Journal Articles
(underline indicates former/current graduate student)
Peguero, A.A., Irizarry, Y., Iwama, J., King, S., Dunning-Lozano, J.L., Hong, J.S., & Bondy, J.M. Is there an immigration and school-level crime link? Crime and Delinquency. DOI:
Bondy, J.M., & Johnson, B.J. “Critical affect literacy: A call to action in a Trump administration.” Action in Teacher Education.
Kim, J.W., Peguero, A.A., & Bondy, J.M. “The significance of social bonds for Asian Americans: Investigating the relationship between gender, ethnicity, and immigrant generation, and educational attainment.” Sociation Today, 19(2), 13-36.
Peguero, A.A., & Bondy, J.M. “The importance of immigration with future research about school safety.” Race and Justice.
Bondy, J.M., & Braunstein, L.B. “Racial politics, Latin@ youth, and teacher education.” Journal of Latinos and Education, 18(2), 93-106.
Bondy, J.M., Peguero, A.A., & Johnson, B.J. “The children of immigrants’ bonding to school: Examining the roles of assimilation, gender, race, ethnicity, and social bonds.” Urban Education, 54(4), 592-622.
Bondy, J.M. “‘Should we carry our passports with us?’: Resisting violence against Latin@s in light of political rhetoric.” Multicultural Perspectives, 19(3), 166-171.
Peguero, A.A., Bondy, J.M., & Hong, J.S. “Social bonds across immigrant generations: Bonding to school and examining the relevance of segmented assimilation.” Youth & Society, 49(6), 733-754.
Bondy, J.M., Peguero, A.A., & Johnson, B.J. “The children of immigrants’ academic self-efficacy: The significance of gender, race, ethnicity, and segmented assimilation.” Education & Urban Society, 49(5), 486-517.
Peguero, A.A., Bondy, J.M., & Shekarkhar, Z. “Punishing Latina/o youth: School justice, fairness, order, dropping out, and gender disparities.” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 33(1), 54-70.
Bondy, J.M., & Pennington, L.K. (2016). “‘Criminals,’ ‘illegal aliens,’ and ‘hypersexual spitfires’: Latin@ youth and pedagogies of citizenship in media texts.” The Social Studies, 107(3), 1-13.
Bondy, J.M. “Latina youth, education, and citizenship: A feminist transnational analysis.” Theory & Research in Social Education, 44(2), 212-243.
Bondy, J.M. “Negotiating domination and resistance: English language learners and Foucault’s Care of the Self in the context of English-only education.” Race, Ethnicity and Education, 19(4), 763-783.
Peguero, A.A., & Bondy, J.M. “Schools, justice, and immigrant students: Gender, assimilation and perceptions of fairness and order.” Teachers College Record, 117(7), 1-42.
Bondy, J.M. “Hybrid citizenship: Latina youth and the politics of belonging.” The High School Journal, 98(4), 353-373.
Bondy, J.M. “‘Why do I have to pledge the U.S. flag? It’s not my country!’: Latina youths rearticulating citizenship and national belonging.” Multicultural Perspectives, 16(4), 193-202.
Bondy, J.M. “Latinas, heterotopia, and home: Pedagogies of gender and sexuality in Quinceañera.” Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 9(1), 81-98.
Bondy, J.M. “Normalizing English language learner students: A Foucauldian analysis of opposition to bilingual education.” Race, Ethnicity and Education, 14(3), 387-398.
Peguero, A.A., & Bondy, J.M. “Immigration and students’ relationships with teachers.” Education and Urban Society, 43(2), 165-183.
Peguero, A., & Bondy, J.M. Immigration and school safety. Routledge. New York, NY.
Book Chapters and White Papers
Bondy, J.M., & Johnson, A.P. “Race, national exclusion, and the implications for global citizenship and education.” In I. Davies, L.C. Ho, D. Kiwan, C. Peck, A. Peterson, E. Sant, & Y. Waghid (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of global citizenship and education (pp. 393-407). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bondy, J.M., & Reed Marshall, T. “Book review: Deconstructing race: Multicultural education beyond the color-bind by Jabari Mahiri.” Teachers College Record.
Peguero, A.A., & Bondy, J.M. “School safety and the significance of immigration.” National Institute of Justice
Bondy, J.M., & Peguero, A.A. “Immigration and education: Complexities and intersecting factors with schooling the children of immigrants.” In C.M. Renzetti & R.K. Bergen (Eds.), Understanding diversity: Celebrating difference, challenging inequality (pp. 125-143). New York, NY: Pearson Education.
Book and Film Reviews
Bondy, J.M., & Reed Marshall, T. “Book review: Deconstructing race: Multicultural education beyond the color-bind by Jabari Mahiri.” Teachers College Record.
Bondy, J.M. “Resource review: I learn America by Jean-Michel Dissard & Gitte Peng.” The New Educator, 13(3), 305-309.
Bondy, J.M. “Book review: Respect yourself, protect yourself: Latina girls and sexual identity by Lorena Garcίa.” Gender and Education, 25(7), 938-941.
Bondy, J.M. “Book review: An unexpected minority: White kids in an urban school by Edward W. Morris.” Journal of Thought, 4(1&2), 113-118.