Jennifer M. Bondy is an associate professor in the School of Social Transformation at Arizona State University. She received her PhD in Curriculum Theory and Cultural Studies from Miami University (OH) in 2011. Dr. Bondy’s research focuses on three interrelated lines of inquiry: (i) Latina youth citizenship formations; (ii) school socialization of the children of immigrants; and more recently, (iii) white women preservice teachers’ understanding of immigration and documentation status. Her work can be found published in journals such as Race, Ethnicity & Education, Journal of Latinos and Education, Action in Teacher Education, and Teachers College Record. Dr. Bondy currently serves as co-chair for Division K, Section IV: The Racial and Social Foundations of Teaching and Teacher Education of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). She also serves on the editorial board for American Educational Research Journal (AERJ), Race, Ethnicity and Education (REE), Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, and the Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy (JCP). Dr. Bondy has been the recipient of professional service awards through AERA and AERJ. She has also received teaching awards at the department-, college-, and university-levels for her pedagogy in undergraduate and graduate classes. Prior to becoming an academic, Dr. Bondy taught high school for four years